JHGA memberships are now available for the 2025 season.
March 1 is the official start of the golf season in Kentucky. That means each round of golf played in accordance with the rules of golf should result in the posting of a score for handicapping purposes. The easiest way to post your scores is to install the USGA/GHIN mobile app on your computer or smart phone. It's easy, it's convenient, and it's FREE!
The USGA/GHIN account associated with your name is also tied to your JHGA membership. A large portion of your annual dues ($50) go to paying for access to the GHIN system. On or before March 1, you will no longer have access to your GHIN account or be able to post a score unless you have paid your JHGA annual dues for 2025.
You may drop by the pro shop, fill out an application form, and place it along with your payment in the JHGA drop box. Payment can be cash, check, or credit card. Please remember to fill out ALL of the information on the application form (even if you are a returning member) as it is needed to create or reactivate your GHIN account.