Meeting called to order by David Mahoney on December 7th at 10:00am. 

David Mahoney / President

2024 Governor’s Open. The Governor’s Open was successful having 172 participants. Troy Woody and the entire Governor’s Open Committee was recognized for their efforts on the tournament, especially Kyle Fisher for his work on the GO website. Recognition was given to the sponsors: WesBanco ($7k), FRMC ($5K), Bluestone Landscape ($3K), and a host of $1K donors. Proceeds from the Governor’s Open will be going to the following charities: $2500 – Access Soup Kitchen & Men’s Shelter, $2500 – Simon House Family Shelter, $1500 – local high school golf teams, $1000 – JHLGC, $1000 – Humane Society, $500 – Knight’s of Columbus. Juniper Hill GC will receive $3000 for course improvement projects (tee box leveling).

Warren and Mark were recognized for their continued work throughout the year.

Warren Mitchell / Vice President

2024 tournament schedule. Reviewed the schedule and participation per tournament. It was noted that our 2-man events are the most popular. There are 14 tournaments on the schedule – 12 are JHGA member tournaments and two (The Frankfort City Tournament and the Governor’s Open) are “open” tournaments hosted by JHGA.

Tournament payouts. Reviewed association tournament receipts and payouts. 97% of tournament entry fees were paid out to tournament participants.

Membership dues. Association dues ($50) will remain unchanged in 2025. $27 per membership goes to KGA for GHIN handicap system. The remaining $23 per membership covers JHGA operating expenses.

2025 tournament schedule. The dates and formats for the 2025 schedule will remain essentially unchanged. It was requested by members present at the meeting that the Bean Soup format be changed from a gross to net event. It was also requested that in the future, pairings for all tournaments be emailed to all JHGA members regardless of whether they are playing in the tournament.

Default Tees. In 2025 default tees will be determined by Handicap Index: H.I. of 13.4 and below will play from the blue tees, H.I. of 13.5 and above will play from the white tees. This change will allow for more equitable distribution of flights and fairness within each flight.

One exception to the default tee breakdown will be the Club Championship: any member who wishes to compete for the title of Club Champion must declare their intention to play in the Championship Flight when they register for the tournament and play from the black tees.

Mark Whelan / Treasurer

2024 budget summary. Starting balance was $6,420.76. Ending balance was $13,160.46 plus $1,900 in outstanding payments for sign sponsorships. It was noted that the increase to the budget surplus was made possible by the success of the Governor’s Open as well as several cost saving changes made by the JHGA Board.

Board of Directors

Awards presentation. Jeff Bibb was recognized as the winner of the 2024 “Race for the Cup” and formally presented the JHGA Cup (sponsored by Ben’s Affordable Roofing, Ben Boggs). Brian Hiles was recognized as the 2024 Match Play Champion and presented the match play trophy in absentia. Warren was recognized as the senior champion of the City Championship, Club Championship, and Governor’s Open.

Election of Officers. The presiding officers were nominated (by Jeff Bibb) for reelection to their respective offices. The nomination was seconded and approved by unanimous vote of the members present.

2025 Officers. President - David Mahoney, Vice-President - Warren Mitchell, Treasurer - Mark Whelan, Secretary - Ken Phillips.

JHGA Officers present JHGA Cup to 2024 winner, Jeff Bibb

The 2023 JHGA golf season concluded on November 18th with the annual membership meeting. Topics discussed included the 2023 budget, the proposed 2024 tournament schedule, the 2023 & 2024 Governor’s Open, and finally the election of JHGA officers for the 2024 term.

The election of officers included David Mahoney – President, Warren Mitchell – Vice President, Ken Phillips – Secretary, and Mark Whelan – Treasurer.

A big THANK YOU to Jim Beirne, our outgoing president, for his many years of service to JHGA and the Frankfort golf community. Your commitment, Jim, is greatly appreciated!

David’s first official act as our newly elected president is to invite anyone who would be interested in serving on the 2024 Governor’s Open committee to please contact him directly. There are far too many responsibilities for one person to handle and now is the time to start. So if you are able, your help would be greatly appreciated. You can contact David by cell at 502-229-9271 or email at

The minutes of the meeting can be viewed by clicking the attachment below.

It was a productive meeting. Thanks to everyone who was able to attend.

The annual JHGA membership meeting was held Saturday, December 17th at 10am. During the meeting it was announced that three of our long standing officers would be stepping down from their positions. The next time you see these gentlemen, please give them a big THANK YOU for their many years of dedicated service to JHGA!

Raymond Casey, former Secretary
Larry Dukes, former Treasurer
Terri Page, former Vice President

The second order of business was to elect officers for the 2023 calendar year. The following members were nominated and voted unanimously into office:

Jim Beirne, President
David Mahoney, Vice President
Warren Mitchell, Secretary
Mark Whelan, Treasurer
Before start of play, always check-in with the pro shop.

Keep your cart on the cart path when near greens and tee boxes.

Repair ball marks and divots, and rake sand traps after playing a shot from the bunker.

Please keep up with the group in front of you.  Pace of play at Juniper Hill is 12 1/2 minutes per hole, 3hrs & 45 mins for 18 holes.

No one likes slow play!
Course Etiquette image

Please click the following link for information regarding golf course maintenance (tree trimming & removal) beginning June 10th.

JHGA memberships are now available for the 2025 season.

March 1 is the official start of the golf season in Kentucky. That means each round of golf played in accordance with the rules of golf should result in the posting of a score for handicapping purposes. The easiest way to post your scores is to install the USGA/GHIN mobile app on your computer or smart phone. It's easy, it's convenient, and it's FREE!

The USGA/GHIN account associated with your name is also tied to your JHGA membership. A large portion of your annual dues ($50) go to paying for access to the GHIN system. On or before March 1, you will no longer have access to your GHIN account or be able to post a score unless you have paid your JHGA annual dues for 2025.

You may drop by the pro shop, fill out an application form, and place it along with your payment in the JHGA drop box. Payment can be cash, check, or credit card. Please remember to fill out ALL of the information on the application form (even if you are a returning member) as it is needed to create or reactivate your GHIN account.

Juniper Hill Golf Association offers an online payment option for your 2025 membership dues. Simply fill out the digital application form below and click the Submit & Pay Online button. Once you have submitted your application, you will be redirected to our JHGA Golf Genius hub where a credit card payment can be made. Please note that everyone must submit an application, even if you are a returning member, and applications cannot be processed until payment is received. If you are new to Golf Genius you may be asked to create an account to access the site.

As always, you may submit an application and pay your dues ($50) in person by dropping them off in the JHGA drop box at the pro shop.

*All credit card payments will include a $2.00 transaction fee.
April 5The Bean Soup*Group assigned, 9am shotgun$15
April 192-man BB, Mem-Guest**Make your own group & tee time$15
May 3Individual Stroke PlayGroup & tee time assigned$15
May 8 (Thursday)Match Play Signup DeadlineMake your own tee time$15
May 174-man, 3-BB (make your own team)Make your own group & tee time$15
May 312-man BB, Mem-Guest**Make your own group & tee time$15
June 14-15Member-MemberGroup & tee time assigned$20
June 282-man Total NetMake your own group & tee time$15
July 4 (Friday)The Classic (individual stroke play)Group & tee time assigned$15
July 12-13City ChampionshipGroup & tee time assigned$25
August 2-3Mixed Member-MemberGroup & tee time assigned$20
August 16-17Club Championship***Group & tee time assigned$20
September 5-7Governor's OpenGroup & tee time assignedTBA
September 27Year-end TournamentGroup & tee time assigned$15
*Open to non-members.
**Open to non-members. Teams may consist of two JHGA members OR one JHGA member & one guest.
***Open to members who have paid their annual dues and played in a minimum of two tournaments on the 2025 JHGA schedule.

The deadline to sign-up for JHGA tournaments will typically be noon Thursday the week of the tournament. Please check the website for specific information on each tournament.

Default tees for JHGA tournament play will be assigned based on your GHIN Handicap Index (H.I.):

H.I. of 13.4 and below: Blue Tees

H.I. of 13.5 and above: White Tees

Exceptions to Default Tees

Club Championship: To compete for the title of Club Champion, you must declare for the Championship Flight when you register. The Championship Flight will play from the Black Tees.

Open Tournaments: In tournaments open to non-members, flights and tee assignments for all entrants will be determined by the handicaps of the players entered.

Members are responsible for knowing & playing from their default tees. The JHGA handicap committee reserves the right to adjust handicaps that are not aligned with a player’s ability.

All JHGA tournaments will be played according to the USGA rules of golf with the following exception:

You may move the ball (lift, clean, & place) up to one club length, no closer to the hole, in the fairway cut of the hole you are playing. The ball will be played down in all other areas of the course including the rough, hazards, and bunkers. The tournament committee may consider exceptions to this rule in certain circumstances (ex: extremely wet course conditions).

All tournament dates are subject to change.

Always check the JHGA website for the latest information and updates.

Click the link below to download the 2025 tournament schedule:

Tournament dates and formats will be advertised on this website and in the pro shop well in advance to give members ample time to enter each event.  Members can sign up for a tournament in the pro shop by placing a registration form along with the tournament entry fee in the JHGA drop box located near the front counter.  The entry fees for each tournament can be found on the JHGA Tournament Schedule.  Unless otherwise posted, the deadline to sign up for each tournament will be close of business on the Wednesday preceding the tournament.  Members are encouraged to sign up as early as possible as late entries will not be accepted.

presented by

Ben's Affordable Roofing

In 2025 the Juniper Hill Golf Association will again offer the season long competition known as The JHGA Cup. The "race for the cup” will begin with the first tournament of the season, The Bean Soup, and culminate with the last tournament on the schedule, the Yearend Tournament.

Points will be awarded to members based on their participation and place finished in each tournament with the point system heavily weighted in favor of participation. For the purposes of this competition, participation will be defined as paying the entry fee and teeing off in the event regardless of finish. All tournaments on the 2025 JHGA tournament schedule may earn points toward the season total. The “point system” for the entire season is laid out below.

Thanks in part to our title sponsor, Ben’s Affordable Roofing, the total purse for The JHGA Cup will be $900. Payouts for the current season have already been determined and are listed below. In addition to the generous payouts, the winner of The JHGA Cup will have their name inscribed on the prestigious JHGA Cup of Champions.

The JHGA Cup Point System

Play in a 1-day tournament 

  • Earn 15 pts
  • Place 1st earn 5 pts
  • Place 2nd earn 3 pts
  • Place 3rd earn 1 pts

 Play in a 2-day tournament 

  • Earn 20 pts
  • Place 1st earn 5 pts
  • Place 2nd earn 3 pts
  • Place 3rd earn 1 pts

 Play in Match Play 

  • Earn 15 pts
  • Place 1st earn 15 pts
  • Place 2nd earn 9 pts
  • Place 3rd earn 3 pts

 Play in Gov’s Open Pro-Am (Friday) 

  • Earn 15 pts
  • Place 1st earn 5 pts
  • Place 2nd earn 3 pts
  • Place 3rd earn 1 pts

 Play in Gov’s Open Amateur Championship (Saturday-Sunday) 

  • Earn 20 pts
  • Place 1st earn 5 pts
  • Place 2nd earn 3 pts
  • Place 3rd earn 1 pts


The JHGA Cup Payouts

     Total Purse $900

          1st place - $400

          2nd place - $200

          3rd place - $150

          4th place - $100

          5th place - $50

*If a tie occurs, the payouts will be combined and distributed equally among those having the same number of points.

JHGA Year-End Tournament Results 
1st Place $150 ($50 each)
2nd Place $120 ($40 each)
3rd Place $90 ($30 each)

PlaceNameOutInTotalOverall +/-
3Green/Johnson/Sharfe (SCP)767715313
Hosted by: Juniper Hill Golf Association
Sponsored by: WesBanco

Championship Flight ResultsRankPlayer NameOverallRnd 1Rnd 2Total
Champion by PlayoffT1Rick Harp-57168139
SecondT1John Bailey-57069139
Third3Chad Egbert-27369142
Fourth - SCPT4Jacob Turley-17667143
FifthT4Scott Marlin-17172143

6Charlie Brown+27670146

7Rob Duff+57574149

8Todd Combs+67674150

T9CHRIS HILL+77873151

T9Colin Bussell+77279151

T9Craig Livesay+77972151

T9Jeremy Bourne+77774151

T13Jordan Montgomery+107480154

T13Matt Wingate+107579154

T13Michael Putty+107579154

16Linzie Abell+178675161

T17Jeff QuammenWD79WDWD

T17Sean CrockerWD77WDWD

First Flight ResultsRankPlayer NameOverallRnd 1Rnd 2Total
First1Tommy Hart+27373146
Second - SCPT2Cade Maddox+77873151
ThirdT2Warren Mitchell+77774151
Fourth4Seth Dawson+87478152
Fifth - SCPT5Jon Aydt+107876154

T5Travis Dennis+107678154

7Brad Reynolds+118174155

8Mark Whelan+127284156

T9Jason Green+137879157

T9Mark Brickner+137879157

11Ben Boggs+147979158

12Brian Hiles+158574159

T13Bj Hurst+178081161

T13Darrell Smith+178576161

15Hugh Hammond+248583168

16Jacob Roberts+268684170

17Brandon Smith+308688174

18Evan Bell+328492176

Second Flight ResultsRankPlayer NameOverallRnd 1Rnd 2Total
First by PlayoffT1Ken Phillips+157980159
SecondT1Eric Miles+158079159
Third - SCPT3Cole Hampton+168179160
FourthT3Brendon Woody+168377160

5David Mahoney+228482166

T6Chad Wiard+238582167

T6Mark Jackson+238087167

T8Chris Rooks+268486170

T8Victor Smith+268981170

10Danny Quire+288389172

11Sean Rodgers+308391174

12Jacob Vanderoort+389290182

13Jason Miller+428997186

14Danny Maddox+479695191

15Keith Riley+489696192

16Larry FrostWD84WDWD

Third Flight ResultsRankPlayer NameOverallRnd 1Rnd 2Total
First1James Caudle+158178159
Second2Steve Redmon+177883161
Third3Chase Mahoney+188082162
Fourth - SCPT4Blake Jones+218877165
FifthT4Petey Gall+218382165
Sixth6David May+238285167

7Monty Owens+258386169

8Keith Ritchie+269080170

9Kat Veerasethakul+278685171

T10Jim Beirne+288488172

T10Steve Butler+288884172

12Larry Dukes+298885173

13Logan Bush+309579174

T14Garry Cerniglia+328888176

T14Steve Dawson+328888176

16Brandon Mattingly+368892180

17Bennie Thurman+389488182

18Ricky May+419491185

19Grant Sudduth+439295187

20Gary Gebhart+449395188

21Wayne Sheffield+459396189

22Willie Willard+479497191

23Happy OsborneWD91WDWD

Fourth Flight ResultsRankPlayer NameOverallRnd 1Rnd 2Total
First1Kerry Moore+218481165
Second - SCPT2Scott Barnett+339285177
ThirdT2Chris Cole+339087177

4Rob Day+449494188

T5Rick Pogrotsky+479695191

T5Terry Lafontaine+479893191

7Keith Mcneil+489399192

8Denny Compston+509995194

9Skip Melton+5610496200

10Kaleb VanAtter+66106104210

11Sam Scott+83112115227

2023 Governor's Open Pro Am
Hosted by: Juniper Hill Golf Association
Sponsored by: WesBanco

Don Pollard - Pro1811st$200
BJ Hurst

Mark Jackson

David May

Rob Day


Rob Duff - Pro1822nd$150
James Caudle

Evan Bell

Brian Hiles

Jordan Montgomery

Fred Allen Meyer - Pro1843rd$100
David Mahoney

Chase Mahoney

Peter Gall

Jeff Quammen


Nick Wilkins - Pro1854th$62.50
Steve Dawson
Seth Dawson

Todd Combs

Travis Dennis


Robbie Baldwin - Pro1854th$62.50
Justin Charles
Will Meurer

Todd Howard

John Ferrell


Championship Flight
PlaceNameRnd. 1Rnd. 2Total
1John Buchanan7273145
T2Evan Bell7670146
T2Jon Aydt7274146
4Michael Putty7672148
5Mark Keadle7377150
6Jeff Quammen8173154
T7Bradley Nelson8177158
T7Jordan Montgomery7979158
T9Tim Fowler8377160
T9Seth Dawson8179160

1st Flight
PlaceNameRnd. 1Rnd. 2Total
1Mark Whelan7772149
T2Warren Mitchell7476150
T2Ben Boggs7674150
T2Terry Thompson7575150
5Darrell Smith8075155
T6Mark Brickner8277159
T6Brian Hiles7683159
T8Brad Kays8480164
T8Jason Green8084164
10Jacob Roberts8284166
11Tom Dobson7991170

2nd Flight
PlaceNameRnd. 1Rnd. 2Total
1Brad Reynolds7478152
2Danny Quire7977156
3Scott Tippett7880158
T4Chad Wiard8476160
T4Stephen Luck8179160
6Brandon Dempsey8382165
7David Mahoney8385168
8Eric Miles8287169
9Gary Holbert8487171
10Ernie Stallard8389172
11Elgie McFayden8890178
12Keith Ritchie8597182

3rd Flight
PlaceNameRnd. 1Rnd. 2Total
1Don Taylor8175156
2Chris Ripy8277159
T3Bob Sharfe8680166
T3Steve Redmon8383166
5Monty Owens8681167
6Chuck Dempsey8683169
7John Hodgkin8487171
T8Bennie Thurman9484178
T8Jim Beirne8989178
10Wayne Sheffield9584179
11Bob Stevens9391184

4th Flight
PlaceNameRnd. 1Rnd. 2Total
1Jimmy Caudle8382165
2George Mann8977166
3Donnie Rodgers9080170
4Doug Trimble8884172
5Grant Sudduth9183174
6Ricky May8987176
7Paul Hiser8692178
8Steve Bolin8597182
9Tommy Hughes9489183
10Rick Groves9394187
11Timmy Bowman10386189
12Brad Bowman99104203

July 4th Classic Payouts
The Classic Flight A
1John Buchanan65
2Barney Sutley69
3 (scp)Tim Fowler72
4Michael Putty72
5David Hicks73
6Warren Mitchell74
7Mark Keadle78
8Jacob Roberts79
9Tom Dobson82
10Terry Thompson85
11Michael Goble92
The Classic Flight B
1Mark Coleman78
2 (scp)Scott Tippett79
3Gary Smith79
4Marty Young80
T5Stephen Luck81
T5Brian Hiles81
T7Jack Bates82
T7Brad Reynolds82
T9Keith Ritchie84
T9David Mahoney84
11Ernie Stallard88
12Chad Wiard89
The Classic Flight C
1 (scp)Chris Ripy84
2Eric Miles84
3 (scp)Raymond Casey85
4Chuck Dempsey85
5Roy Johnson85
T6Bob Stevens86
T6Neville White86
8Donnie Cloud88
9Donnie Rodgers89
10Wayne Sheffield91
11Derek Pierce100
The Classic Flight D
1Donnie II Rodgers85
2Grant Sudduth86
3 (scp)Larry Dukes87
4Mark Harrod87
T5Willie Willard88
T5Jim Beirne88
T7Doug Trimble91
T7Ricky May91
9Keith McNeil92
T10Paul Hiser104
T10Rick Groves104
12Bill Moore111

The finals of the 2023 Match Play Championship are complete.  Thanks to all those that competed and congratulations to the winners!

1st Place$150Rick PrestonKen Phillips
2nd Place$100Terry ThompsonRoy Johnson
3rd Place$75Mark KeadleBob Sharfe
4th Place$50Warren MitchellBennie Thurman

Click below for complete results of Flight A:

Click below for complete results of Flight B:

1st Flight

PlaceNameRnd. 1Rnd. 2TotalOverall +/-
1Bradley Nelson757515010
2Ben Boggs717915010
3Warren Mitchell767615212
T4Alex Clark837115414
T4David Hicks777715414
T4Seth Dawson767815414
7Mark Brickner758115616
T8Donald Wainscott797815717
T8BJ Hurst778015717
10Tom Dobson788616424
11Chris Gintery798816727
12Brandon Smith828616828

2nd Flight

PlaceNameRnd. 1Rnd. 2TotalOverall +/-
1Evan Bell69781477
2Brian Hiles827115313
3Brad Reynolds758115616
4Victor Smith847515919
5Jason Green768416020
6Scott Tippett857816323
T7Troy Whitaker848116525
T7Chad Wiard818416525
T7Sidney Dailey788716525
10Mike Collins808716727
11Jacob van der Oort818716828
12Neville White858416929
T13Tony Cleveland858617131
T13Glenn Mitchell828917131
15Marty Young888517333

3rd Flight

PlaceNameRnd. 1Rnd. 2TotalOverall +/-
1Eric Miles787915717
2Scott Kinney788216020
3Chris Ripy868016626
4Kat Veerasethakul848316727
5Keith Ritchie808816828
T6Brandon Muravchick918017131
T6Bob Stevens848717131
8Mark Harrod858717232
9Donnie Rodgers918517636
T10Wayne Sheffield918617737
T10Aaron Collins879017737
T10Scott Barnett869117737
13Terry LaFontaine919218343
14Doug Trimble899918848
15Keith McNeil9210119353

Championship Flight

PlaceNameRnd. 1Rnd. 2TotalOverall +/-
1Bryan Conway6767134-6
2Michael Putty6969138-2
T3Rick Harp6971140E
T3Matt Wingate6872140E
5Rob Duff71701411
T6John Buchanan72721444
T6Barney Sutley71731444
8Jackson Whitaker72761488
T9Mark Keadle75741499
T9Kevin Whitaker72771499

4-man Net - Results & Payouts

PlaceTeam NameTotalOverall +/-

Individual (low gross/low net) Results & Payouts - May 27th
1st PlaceA-D$45$45
2nd PlaceA-D$30$30
3rd PlaceA-D$15$15

Jeff QuammenA7065
Mark KeadleA7269
Brandon WebbA7274
Warren MitchellA7368
Darrell SmithA7368
Jacob RobertsA7469
David HicksA7672
Gary SharfeA7771
Brad ReynoldsA7971
Terry ThompsonA8073
Tim FowlerA8079
Ben BoggsA8173
Mark BricknerA8376
Gregory WrightA8682
Michael GobleA8783

Brian HilesB7364
Scott KinneyB7869
Gary HolbertB7970
Rick PrestonB7969
Evan BellB8375
Jason GreenB8372
Jake ClarkB8575
Brendon WoodyB8575
David MahoneyB8576
Gary SmithB8778
Elgie McFaydenB8777
Danny QuireB8878
Chad WiardB8978
Jacob van der OortB9483
Jeffrey RobertsB10190

Victor SmithC7867
Marty YoungC8067
Bob SharfeC8064
Donnie RodgersC8166
Roy JohnsonC8268
Alan SmithC8271
Keith RitchieC8472
Raymond CaseyC8571
Don TaylorC8773
Mark HarrodC8973
Chris RipyC9076
Steve RedmonC9077
Bennie ThurmanC9177
Grant SudduthC9377
Bob StevensC9883

Derek PierceD8364
Joey HolbertD8464
Terry PaigeD8566
Tommy HughesD9275
Monty OwensD9377
Terry LaFontaineD9476
Doug TrimbleD9569
Rick GrovesD9573
Jimmy CaudleD9577
Jim BeirneD9578
Bill MooreD9671
Larry DukesD9677
Brad BowmanD9774
Bob EtheringtonD9874
1st Place TeamA-C$90$90
2nd Place TeamA-C$60
3rd Place TeamA-C$30

Whelan/HartA152, 1st Gross139
Boggs/BibbA155136, 1st Net
Smith/SmithA156, 3rd Gross140
Young/BricknerA156, 2nd Gross (scp)138
Smith/QuireA157138, 2nd Net
Mahoney/Blind DrawA159145
Stallard/LuckA162143, 3rd Net

Hamilton/DorisB152, 1st Gross128
Dawson/DawsonB162141, 1st Net
Thompson/ThompsonB162, 2nd Gross142
Muravchick/JonesB163143, 2nd Net
Casey/ReynoldsB164, 3rd Gross144
Ritchie/CollinsB167145, 3rd Net (scp)

Holbert/HolbertC160, 1st Gross135
Dukes/Blind DrawC162132, 1st Net
Paige/SmithC167, 3rd Gross141
Sharfe/RedmonC167, 2nd Gross (scp)141
McCoy/HagaC168140, 3rd Net (scp)
Trimble/TaylorC173137, 2nd Net
Hiser/Blind DrawC176143

Flight A
1st place $280 Bell/Montgomery
2nd place $175 Hurst/Dawson
3rd place $105 Boggs/Young
4th place $70 Mitchell/Smith
5th place $70 Keadle/Keadle

Flight B
1st place $280 Wiard/Harrod
2nd place $175 Rodgers/Rodgers II
3rd place $105 Phillips/Cloud
4th place $70 Johnson/Bibb
5th place $70 Beirne/Casey

Tournament Results
1st place $120
2nd place $100
3rd place $80
4th place $60
Segments 1-4   $30 each

FlightTeamSeg 1Seg 2Day 1Seg 3Seg 4Day 2Total

BRodgers/Rodgers II306696293665161-2nd

1st Place TeamA$240
2nd Place TeamA$200
3rd Place TeamA$140
4th Place TeamA$80

RESULTS 4-man/Net - May 13th
Dukes/Beirne/Casey/ReynoldsA-3, 1st
Stevens/Smith/Smith/RobertsA+9, 2nd
Bibb/Boggs/Brickner/PrestonA+11, 3rd
Mitchell/Smith/Kinney/WhelanA+12, T-4th (scp)
Green/Bowman/Bowman/BowmanA+12, T-4th

1st Place TeamA-C$150
2nd Place TeamA-C$100
3rd Place TeamA-C$70

RESULTS 2-man/BB Guest - April 29th - Flight A
Willard/WillardA-9, 1st
Hurst/HilesA-7, 2nd
Mahoney/WoodyA-7, 3rd

RESULTS 2-man/BB Guest- April 29th - Flight B
Sharfe/SharfeB-8, T-1st
Muravchick/JonesB-8, T-1st
Young/QuireB-5, 3rd

RESULTS 2-man/BB Guest - April 29th - Flight C
C-11, 1st
Evins/Evins II
C-11, 2nd
C-8, 3rd
Rodgers/Rodgers IIC-5

JHGA Club Champions
1957...Humzey Yessin
1958...Mike Dudley
1959...H. Gardenhire
1960...Mike Jasko
1961...James Thompson
1962...Donnie Heilman
1963...Donnie Heilman
1964...Mike Jasko
1965...Charlie Rodgers
1966...James Thompson
1967...Bill Pulliam
1968...James Thompson
1969...James Thompson
1970...Don Phelps
1971...Mike Bale
1972...Mike Jasko
1973...James Thompson
1974...James Thompson
1975...James Thompson
1976...Jerry Harris
1977...CJ Benassi, Jr
1978...James Thompson
1979...CJ Benassi, Jr
1980...Bill Woolums
1981...CJ Benassi, Jr
1982...James Thompson
1983...James Thompson
1984...James Thompson
1985...CJ Benassi, Jr
1986...CJ Benassi, Jr
1987...Jeff Marshall
1988...CJ Benassi, Jr
1989...Russell Smoak
1990...James Thompson
1991...Scott Hunt
1992...Chad Dawson
1993...Bill Woolums
1994...Bill Woolums
1995...John Brooks
1996...John Brooks
1997...Benji Broadwater
1998...Bill Woolums
1999...Doug Marshall
2000...Doug Marshall
2001...Tony Brown
2002...Barney Sutley
2003...Jon Tandy
2004...Tim Fowler
2005...Jon Tandy
2006...Bill Woolums
2007...Jon Tandy
2008...Barney Sutley
2009...Doug Marshall
2010...Rob Duff
2011...Barney Sutley
2012...Bill Woolums
2013...Jacob Cook
2014...Todd Combs*
............David Dean*
2015...Rob Duff
2016...Rob Duff
2017...David Dean
2018...Nick Wilkins
2019...Nick Wilkins
2020...Barney Sutley
2021...Rob Duff
2022...Jon Aydt
* Co-champions. Only round one use. Round 2 canceled due to rain.

JHGA Senior Club Champions
2021...Gary Sharfe
2022...Warren Mitchell

Governor's Open (Pro Division) Champions
1965...Jim O'Hern
1966...Al Atkins
1967...Brown Cullen
1968...Eddie Tyree
1969...Jim Ferriell
1970...Jim O'Hern
1971...Carl Owen
1972...Jim O'Hern
1973...Eddie Tyree
1974...Bruce Ford
1975...Dick Plummer
1976...Eddie Tyree
1977...Brown Cullen
1978...Bob Rusk
1979...Jeff McGill
1980...Gordon Waldespuhr
1981...Scott Steger
1982...Gordon Waldespuhr
1983...Butch Gratton
1984...Danny Miller
1985...Dave Peege
1986...Ralph Landrum
1987...Bobby Hauer
1988...Barry Bonfield
1989...Buddy Harston
1990...Rob McNamara
1991...Bob Hauer
1992...Scott Michler
1993...Rob McNamara
1994...Lenny Hartlege
1995...Charles Bowles
1996...Scott Porter
1997...Steve Evans
1998...Harold Wallace, Jr
1999...Ryan Tucker
2000...Matt Armstrong**(tie)
...........Harrod Wallace, Jr**
2001...Chris Osborne
2002...Buddy Harston
Am' Division (only) 2003-2005
2006...Patrick Vadden*(tie)
...........Brett Jones*
...........Jeremy Langle*
...........Ryan McCann*
2007...Cory Kaufman
2008...Adam Gary
2009...Bryan Conway
2010...Adam Gary
2011...Ryan Martin
2012...Adam Gary
2013...Ryan Martin
2014...Ryan Martin
2015...Matt Mankin
2016...Ryan Martin
2017...Florian Loutre
2018...Chip McDaniel
2019...Brendon Doyle
2020...Brendon Doyle***
.......Chandler Morgan***
.......Don Pollard***
2021...J B Williams
2022...C J Jones
**no play off due to darkness;
*only round one score used, 4 way tie;
*** Three way tie.

Governor's Open (Senior Pro Age 50+) Champion
2007...Walt Robertson
2008...Steve Cox
2009...Carmello Benassi
2010...Eddie Mudd
2011...Bob Hauer, Kirk Schooley *
2012...Kirk Schooley
2013...Dean Prowse
2014...Walt Worthen, Jr
2015...Don Pollard
2016...David Plumb
2017...David Plumb
2018...David Plumb
2019...Gary Rusnak
2020...David Plumb
2021...Kirk Schooley
2022...Britt Pavelonis
* co-Champions

Governor's Open (Amateur Division) Champion
1965...Gil Kruse
1966...Joe Lenahan
1967...James Thompson
1968...James Thompson
1969...Rick Whitfield
1970...Rick Whitfield
1971...Dale Moore
1972...Donnie Heilman
1973...Tom Ewing
1974...James Thompson
1975...Don Wood
1976...John Baas
1977...John Baas
1978...Jodie Mudd
1979...Scott Beard
1980...Don Wood
1981...Bill Doll
1982...CJ Benassi, Jr
1983...James Thompson
1984...Tommy Settle
1985...Bill Wagoner
1986...CJ Benassi, Jr
1987...Bruce Walters
1988...Bruce Walters
1989...James Thompson
1990...Bruce Walters
1991...Bruce Walters
1992...Chad Dawson
1993...Chad Dawson
1994...Bruce Walters
1995...Bryan Conway
1996...Bruce Walters
1997...Benji Broadwater
1998...Bruce Walters
1999...Ross McIntosh
2000...Bruce Walters
2001...Bruce Walters
2002...John Brooks
2003...John Brooks
2004...John Brooks
2005...Jon Tandy
2006...Josh Earnest*(tie)
...........Bill Woolums
2007...Jon Tandy
2008...Josh Jones
2009...Josh Earnest
2010...Mathew Martin
2011...Jeremy Langley
2012...Benji Broadwater**
...........Mike Damron**
2013...Will Beard
2014...Nick Wilkins
2015...Todd McDaniel
2016...Todd McDaniel**
...........Jon Tandy **
2017...Todd McDaniel
2018...Byran Conway
2019...Dave Peege
2020...Will Meuer
2021...Kevin Lawson
2022...Scott Marlin
*only round one score used.
**no play off due to darkness.

Governor's Open (Senior Amateur Division Age 50-59) Champion
2018...Chris Hill, Dave Peege *
2019...Dave Peege
2022...Chris Hill
* co-Champions

Governor's Open (Super Senior Amateur Division Age 60+) Champion
2019...John Bailey
2021...John Bailey
1st Place$300 / 150
2nd Place$200 / 100
3rd Place $100 / 50
4th Place$90 / 45
5th Place$80 / 40
6th Place$70 / 35
7th Place$60 / 30
8th Place$50 / 25
9th Place$40 / 20
10th Place$30 / 15

SKINS - BLACK & BLUE TEES ($25 each)

Jack C. Kennedy - hole #5

Mike Collins - hole #6

Troy Whitaker - hole #8

Elgie McFayden - hole #10

Jackson Whitaker - hole #14

Gary Sharfe - hole #16

SKINS - WHITE & RED TEES ($45 each)

Mark Harrod - hole #7

Nathan Bowman - hole #10 & #12

Flight 1
1Mitchell, Warren47268
--Hiles, Brian87264
2Tippett, Scott87466
--Smith, Darrell47672
3Whelan, Mark47773
4Roberts, Jacob47874
5Whitaker, Jackson07979
6Wright, Gregory48076
7Hicks, David48076
--Reynolds, Brad68175
--Brickner, Mark78275
--Quire, Danny88375
--Kennedy, Jack C.98374
8Presley, Brandon48480
--Marshall, Doug68478
--Baker, Mack98576
9Woody, Troy79285
Flight 2
1Bibb, Jeff117766
2Woody, Brendon97970
--Sharp, Jeff118069
3Green, Jason118170
--Whitaker, Troy108272
4Mahoney, David108272
--Harrod, Mark148268
5Schultze, Ted08383
--Johnson, Roy118372
--Young, Marty118473
6Ritchie, Keith108474
--Sircy, Robert128876
7Phillips, Ken118877
--Owens, Monty139077
8White, Neville119079
--Wiard, Chad109080
9Smith, Gary-NSNS
Flight 3
1McNeil, Keith178164
--Hiser, Paul168468
2Gebhart, Gary158671
3Hughes, Tommy168973
--Pierce, Derek169074
4Sudduth, Grant169074
--Bowman, Timothy169175
5Beirne, Jim159176
--Bolin, Steve169175
6Rodgers, Donnie169175
7Stevens, Bob149177
--Bowman, Nathan169276
8Heckleman, William09292
--Trimble, Doug169377
--Kennedy, Jack B.159681
--Prewitt, Larry249773
9Beach, Tyrus-NSNS

Skins - Black & Blue Tees ($16/skin)

Scott Tippett - Hole 1

Mark Whelan - Hole 3

Jeff Sharpe - Hole 4

Brian Hiles - Hole 9

Warren Mitchell - Hole 14

Skins - White & Red Tees ($13.50/skin)

Mark Harrod - Holes 1 & 9

Gary Gebhart - Hole 2

Roy Johnson - Hole 5

Donnie Rodgers - Hole 6

Jeff Bibb - Hole 7

Nathan Bowman - Hole 15

1st Place$300 / $75
2nd Place$200 / $50
3rd Place$160 / $40
4th Place$120 / $30

Note: Someone signed up for the Skins Game but did not pay. We were not able to identify who failed to pay so an equal amount ($2.50) was deducted from each pot.

PLEASE remember to pay the $5 entry fee when signing up for the Skins Games! 

Skins - Black & Blue Tees ($26.50/skin)

Jack C. Kennedy - Hole 6

Jacob Roberts - Hole 9

Brian Hiles - Hole 13

Darrell Smith - Hole 14

Terry Thompson - Hole 18

Skins - White & Red Tees ($16.25/skin)

Tommy Hughes - Hole 4

Jim Beirne - Hole 7

Keith McNeil - Hole 8

Keith Ritchie - Hole 10

Roy Johnson - Hole 13

Monty Owens - Hole 16

ChampionBrian Hiles$300
2nd PlaceEvin Evins, II$200
3rd PlaceTim Bowman$100
4th PlaceMike Collins$50
5th PlaceGrant Sudduth$25
5th PlaceMichael Putty$25
5th PlaceMark Brickner$25
5th PlaceRoy Johnson$25

Click below for results of Flights A, B, C, D:

Click below for results of Match Play finals:

1st $150/754th $120/607th $90/45
2nd $140/705th $110/558th $80/40
3rd $130/656th $100/509th $70/35

*Ties broken by USGA scorecard playoff. T4 could not be broken.

Pos.TeamsTo Par
1Beirne, Jim + Dukes, Larry Juniper Hill Golf Association-1060
2Boggs, Ben + Bibb, Jeff Juniper Hill Golf Association-1060
3Taylor, Don + Trimble, Doug Juniper Hill Golf Association-862
T4Rodgers, Donnie II + Rodgers, Donnie Juniper Hill Golf Association-862
T4Whitaker, Troy + McNeil, Keith Juniper Hill Golf Association-862
6Kinney, Scott + Young, Marty Juniper Hill Golf Association-862
7Owens, Monty + Hughes, Tommy Juniper Hill Golf Association-862
8Marshall, Doug + Riffe, Thomas Juniper Hill Golf Association-763
9Hicks, David + Milby, Steve Juniper Hill Golf Association-763
10Whelan, Mark + Hart, Tommy Juniper Hill Golf Association, Weissinger Hills G C-763
11Hiles, Brian + Mahoney, David Juniper Hill Golf Association-763
12Marlin, Scott + Bowman, Timmy Juniper Hill Golf Association-664
13Nelson, Bradley + Pierce, Derek Juniper Hill Golf Association-664
14Ripy, Chris + Caudle, Jimmy Juniper Hill Golf Association-664
15Johnson, Roy + Mann, George Juniper Hill Golf Association-565
16Green, Jason + Thurman, Bennie Juniper Hill Golf Association-565
17Wiard, Chad + Harrod, Mark Juniper Hill Golf Association-466
18Sharfe, Gary + Redmon, Steve Juniper Hill Golf Association-466
19Reynolds, Brad + Casey, Raymond Juniper Hill Golf Association-367
20Mitchell, Warren + Mitchell, Glenn Juniper Hill Golf Association, Frankfort CC-367
21Kays, Brad + Gebhart, Gary Juniper Hill Golf Association-367
T22Dobson, Tom + Miles, Eric Juniper Hill Golf Association-367
T22Ritchie, Keith + Collins, Mike Juniper Hill Golf Association-367
24Groves, Rick + LaFontaine, Terry Juniper Hill Golf Association-268
25Sharp, Jeff + May, Ricky Juniper Hill Golf Association-268
26Whitaker, Jackson + Whitaker, Kevin Juniper Hill Golf Association-268
27Smith, Brandon + Smith, Victor Juniper Hill Golf Association-169
28Brickner, Mark + Estes, Richard Juniper Hill Golf Association, Wild Turkey Trace-169
29Hiser, Paul + Metcalfe, Austin Juniper Hill Golf AssociationE70
30Holbert, Gary + Dempsey, Chuck Juniper Hill Golf AssociationE70
31McIntosh, Chip + Phillips, Ken Juniper Hill Golf AssociationE70
32Tippett, Scott + White, Neville Juniper Hill Golf AssociationE70
33Sudduth, Grant + Bolin, Steve Juniper Hill Golf AssociationE70
34Kennedy, Jack + Kennedy, Jack Juniper Hill Golf AssociationE70
35Woody, Troy + Woody, Brendon Juniper Hill Golf Association+171
36Smith, Darrell + Roberts, Jacob Juniper Hill Golf Association+171
37Dennis, Travis + Hurst, BJUSGA/Kentucky GC, Juniper Hill Golf Association+171
38Presley, Brandon + Presley, Adam Juniper Hill Golf Association+272

Skins - Black & Blue Tees ($28.00/skin)

Doug Marshall - Hole 4

Richard Estes - Hole 5

Brendon Woody - Hole 9

Mark Whelan - Hole 12

Warren Mitchell - Hole 16

Skins - White & Red Tees ($33.75/skin)

Bennie Thurman - Hole 6

Donnie Rodgers II - Hole 8

Jimmy Caudle - Hole 13

Don Taylor - Hole 18

Tournament Results
Position1st FlightPayout2nd FlightPayout
1stBaker / Riffe$120Kinney / Young$120
2ndBoggs / Bibb$100Taylor / Trimble$100
3rdPutty / Tyra$80Miller / Cole$80
4thKeadle / Nelson$60Green / Redmon$60
Segment Winners
Segment 1Boggs / Bibb$40Taylor / Trimble$40
Segment 2Baker / Riffe$40Kinney / Young$40
Segment 3Whitaker / McNeil$40Hiser / Prewitt$40
Segment 4Mitchell / Smith$40Miller / Cole$40
1stBoggs / Bibb$280Kinney / Young$200
2ndPutty / Tyra$175Taylor / Trimble$125
3rdKeadle / Nelson$105Green / Redmon$75
4thMitchell / Smith$70Hiser / Prewitt$50
5thSmith / Smith$70Aydt / LaFontaine$50
Skins - Day 1
Red / White Tees ($14.25 each)
Grant Sudduth - Hole 1
Tim Bowman - Hole 8
Mike Collins - Hole 9
Ricky May - Hole 12
Tommy Hughes - Hole 16
Don Taylor - Hole 17
Scott Kinney - Hole 18
Blue / Black Tees ($15.50 each)
David Mahoney - Hole 3
Chad Wiard - Hole 4
Brad Nelson - Hole 5
Danny Quire - Hole 10
Michael Putty - Hole 11, 14, 16, 18
Skins - Day 2
All Tees ($110 each)
Keadle / Nelson - Hole 14
Whitaker / McNeil - Hole 17
1st Place / Flight$120 / $60
2nd Place / Flight$90 / $45
3rd Place / Flight$60 / $30

Skins - Black / Blue Tees ($25 per skin)

Mark Brickner - Hole 1

Doug Marshall - Hole 4 & 5

David Hicks - Hole 6

Kevin Whitaker - Hole 10

Gary Sharfe - Hole 14

Mark Whelan - Hole 17

Skins - White / Red Tees ($25 per skin)

Donnie Cloud - Hole 1

Scott Kinney - Hole 3

Paul Hiser - Hole 4

Mike Collins - Hole 7

Jim Thompson - Hole 12

Nathan Bowman - Hole 16

1st Place / Flight$65
2nd Place / Flight$45
3rd Place / Flight$25
Flight 1
Pos.PlayerTo Par GrossTotal Gross
1Webb, Brandon-169
2Marshall, DougE70
3Keadle, Mark272
4Marlin, Scott676
5Mitchell, Warren878
6Brickner, Mark1383
7Whelan, Mark1383
8Sharfe, Gary1585
NSWhitaker, Jackson-NS
NSWingate, Matt-NS

Flight 2
Pos.PlayerTo Par GrossTotal Gross
1Kays, Brad474
2Boggs, Ben1080
3Green, Jason1181
4Sharp, Jeff1383
5Mahoney, David1383
6Reynolds, Brad1484
7Kennedy, Jack C.1484
8Woody, Troy1787
9Baker, Mack2292
DNFSmith, Gary-DNF

Flight 3
Pos.PlayerTo Par GrossTotal Gross
1Mattingly, Brandon676
2Bibb, Jeff (scp)979
3Wiard, Chad979
4O'Banion, Billy1181
5White, Neville1181
6Johnson, Roy1282
7Ripy, Chris1383
8Quire, Danny1585
9McFayden, Elgie1686
10van der Oort, Jacob1989

Flight 4
Pos.PlayerTo Par GrossTotal Gross
1Ritchie, Keith777
2Rodgers, Donnie II1080
3Harrod, Mark1383
4Young, Marty1585
5Beirne, Jim1585
6Schultze, Ted1686
7Caudle, Jimmy1787
8Dukes, Larry2090
9Willard, Willie2191
DNFBowman, Timmy-DNF

Flight 5
Pos.PlayerTo Par GrossTotal Gross
1Kennedy, Jack B.1484
2Bowman, Nathan1585
3Gebhart, Gary1787
4Hiser, Paul1888
5Sudduth, Grant1989
6Pierce, Derek2191
7May, Ricky2595
8Trimble, Doug2696
9Prewitt, Larry34104
NSMcNeil, Keith-NS

Skins - Black / Blue Tees ($18 per skin)

Brandon Webb - Hole 5 & 18

Mark Keadle - Hole 6 & 10

Troy Woody - Hole 7

Skins - White / Red Tees ($20 per skin)

Roy Johnson - Hole 3

Mark Harrod - Hole 4 & 7

Brandon Mattingly - Hole 5

Elgie McFayden - Hole 12

Championship Flight - Black
Pos.PlayerTotal To ParR1R2Total
1Webb, Brandon - City Champion-37265137
2Marlin, Scott-27662138
3Conway, Bryan-26870138
4Molen, Will17170141
5Anglin, Daniel26973142
6Duff, Rob87474148
7Putty, Michael97673149
8Whitaker, Kevin107377150
9Dean, David127577152
10Wingate, Matt147579154
WDHarp, Rick-76WDWD
NSMontgomery, Jordan-NS
WDWhitaker, Jackson-NS

2nd Flight - Blue
Pos.PlayerTotal To Par GrossR1R2Total Gross
1Aydt, Jon67670146
2Mitchell, Warren - Sr City Champion77473147
3Marshall, Doug87573148
4Bell, Evan107278150
5Hicks, David127478152
6Nelson, Bradley127775152
7Whelan, Mark137776153
8Presley, Brandon147678154
9Dawson, Seth147381154
10Kays, Brad167779156
11Smith, Darrell207981160
12Jones, Blake258679165
13Green, Jason277790167

3rd Flight - Blue
Pos.PlayerTotal To Par GrossR1R2Total Gross
1Boggs, Ben127478152
2Hiles, Brian137974153
3Hurst, BJ147579154
4Brickner, Mark157679155
5Dobson, Tom187781158
6Smith, Victor187880158
7Woody, Troy228379162
8Tippett, Scott238380163
9Smith, Brandon238182163
10Mahoney, David318982171
11Brewer, Jerry328587172
WDRooks, Chris-89WDWD

4th Flight - Blue
Pos.PlayerTotal To Par GrossR1R2Total Gross
1Reynolds, Brad158174155
2Kennedy, Jack198475159
3Mattingly, Brandon258382165
4Bibb, Jeff268383166
5Ripy, Chris298386169
6Whitaker, Troy308684170
7Sharp, Jeff318883171
8Miller, Jason318982171
9Wiard, Chad318388171
10Quire, Danny318883171
11Miles, Eric338786173
WDWhite, Bert-86WDWD

5th Flight - White
Pos.PlayerTotal To Par GrossR1R2Total Gross
1Ritchie, Keith177978157
2Kinney, Scott177978157
3Collins, Mike218279161
4White, Neville228379162
5Owens, Monty228082162
6Young, Marty268284166
7Redmon, Blake288286168
8Bowman, Timmy298584169
9Bush, Logan328785172
10Caudle, Jimmy358887175
11Barnett, Scott388890178
12Stonewall, McKinley5110091191

6th Flight - White
Pos.PlayerTotal To Par GrossR1R2Total Gross
1Beirne, Jim318586171
2Willard, Willie348292174
3Bowman, Nathan378295177
4May, Ricky388791178
5Cole, Chris399386179
6LaFontaine, Terry398792179
7Trimble, Doug408892180
8Hiser, Paul429092182
9Sudduth, Grant489890188
10Kennedy, Jack499198189
11McNeil, Keith509694190
WDDukes, Larry-88WDWD

Saturday Skins - Black / Blue Tees ($34 per skin)

Troy Woody - Hole 1

Brandon Smith - Hole 6

Jason Green - Hole 11

Seth Dawson - Hole 12

Mark Whelan - Hole 13

Brandon Webb - Hole 16

Saturday Skins - White Tees ($55 per skin)

Scott Barnett - Hole 6

Ricky May - Hole 17

Sunday Skins - Black / Blue Tees ($31 per skin)

Chris Ripy - Hole 3

Brandon Presley - Hole 5

Brandon Smith - Hole 6

Daniel Anglin - Hole 8

Doug Marshall - Hole 12

Seth Dawson - Hole 17

Sunday Skins - White Tees ($17 per skin)

Keith Ritchie - Hole 1

Timmy Bowman - Hole 4 & 7

Scott Kinney - Hole 5

Mike Collins - Hole 8

Neville White - Hole 14

Position1st Flight2nd Flight
3rd FlightPayout
1stCloud / CloudCaudle / CaudleMitchell / Oak$100
2ndWiard / WiardReynolds / ReynoldsRitchie / Spoonamore$80
3rdBoggs / MooreBibb / WooldridgeWillard / Gardner$60
Segment Winners
Segment 1Cloud / CloudBibb / WooldridgeOwens / Wood$40
Segment 2Cloud / CloudMcNeil / McNeilRitchie / Spoonamore$40
Segment 3Wiard / Wiard
Dobson / Mathews
Redmon / Clark
Reynolds / Reynolds
Thurman / Anglin
Mitchell / Oak$40
Segment 4Presley / FergusonCaudle / CaudleRipy / Bates$40
1stCloud / CloudCaudle / CaudleMitchell / Oak$200
2ndWiard / WiardReynolds / ReynoldsRitchie / Spoonamore$125
3rdBoggs / MooreBibb / WooldridgeOwens / Wood$75
4thBrickner / Shipp
Russell / Prather
Harrod / Hampton
Thurman / AnglinThompson / Thompson
Ripy / Bates
5thN/AMcNeil / McNeilN/A$50
Skins - Day 1
Ladies Red Tees ($15.75 each)
Elaine Cloud - Hole 1 & 10
Kim Wooldrdige - Hole 4
Megan Kinney - Hole 13 & 15
Marcie Mathews - Hole 17
Donna McNeil - Hole 18
Men Red / White Tees ($18.75 each)
Donnie Cloud - Hole 2 & 10
Monty Owens - Hole 4
Mark Harrod - Hole 14
Men Blue / Black Tees ($9.50 each)
Jason Green - Hole 3 & 13
Evan Bell - Hole 8
Terry Thompson - Hole 9
Mark Brickner - Hole 10
Troy Woody - Hole 14
Gary Sharfe - Hole 16
Chris Ripy - Hole 18


1st Place / Flight$150
2nd Place / Flight$100
3rd Place / Flight$50


Championship Flight
Pos.PlayerTo ParR1R2Total
1Keadle, Mark - CLUB CHAMPION (sdp)87474148
2Aydt, Jon87078148
3Nelson, Bradley117279151
4Hiles, Brian147975154
5Hicks, David147678154
6Sharfe, Gary177879157
7Dawson, Seth208278160
8Presley, Brandon238182163
9Green, Jason238281163
10Mahoney, David288880168

1st Flight
Pos.PlayerTo ParR1R2Total
1Mitchell, Warren - SR CLUB CHAMPION86880148
2Smith, Darrell117378151
3Boggs, Ben147777154
4Brickner, Mark157877155
5Coleman, Mark167779156
6Whelan, Mark187880158
7Dobson, Tom238479163
8Baker, Mack248480164
9Tippett, Scott248381164
10Smith, Victor268284166
11Mattingly, Brandon348886174
12Woody, Troy389187178

2nd Flight
Pos.PlayerTo ParR1R2Total
1Smith, Brandon147678154
2Reynolds, Brad178077157
3Kinney, Scott228379162
4Wiard, Chad268383166
5Woody, Brendon288781168
6Phillips, Ken288088168
7Miles, Eric298683169
8White, Neville308288170
9Ripy, Chris308684170
10Miller, Jason318091171
11Ritchie, Keith348787174
WDSharp, Jeff-WD

3rd Flight
Pos.PlayerTo ParR1R2Total
1Johnson, Roy177879157
2Thompson, Jim218180161
3Young, Marty (scp)228379162
4Bibb, Jeff228082162
5Owens, Monty238182163
6Rodgers, Donnie II248183164
7Quire, Danny278582167
8Redmon, Steve297990169
9McFayden, Elgie308882170
10Sircy, Robert328290172
11Harrod, Mark378988177
12Willard, Willie389187178
13Taylor, Don388692178
14Thurman, Bennie428993182

4th Flight
Pos.PlayerTo ParR1R2Total
1Rodgers, Donnie218180161
2Cole, Chris278681167
3Caudle, Jimmy309278170
4Mann, George329082172
5Beirne, Jim358887175
6May, Ricky368789176
7Hughes, Tommy389187178
8Casey, Raymond399287179
9Bolin, Steve428795182
10Hiser, Paul439192183
11Trimble, Doug459590185
12Sudduth, Grant459491185
13Dukes, Larry469393186
14Prewitt, Larry479889187
15Heckleman, William67103104207

Saturday Skins - Black / Blue Tees ($26.50 per skin)

Brad Nelson - Hole 6

Mark Brickner - Hole 10

Seth Dawson - Hole 12

Warren Mitchell - Hole 13

Brendon Woody - Hole 15 & 16

Saturday Skins - White / Red Tees ($60 per skin)

Monty Owens - Hole 6

Steve Redmon - Hole 17

Sunday Skins - Black / Blue Tees ($21.50 per skin)

Chris Ripy - Hole 2

Brandon Presley - Hole 10

Brian Hiles - Hole 11

Brendon Woody - Hole 12

Seth Dawson - Hole 14

Mark Coleman - Hole 16

Brandon Smith - Hole 17

Sunday Skins - White / Red Tees ($26.25 per skin)

Monty Owens - Hole 1 & 14

Elgie McFayden - Hole 4

Marty Young - Hole 10

Flight 1
Pos.PlayerTotal GrossPayout
1Hiles, Brian77$75
2Smith, Darrell78$60
3Boggs, Ben78$45
4Kennedy, Jack C.79$30
5Reynolds, Brad80$15
6Mahoney, David80$15
7Whelan, Mark80$15
8Smith, Victor84$15
9Mitchell, Warren85$15
10Baker, Mack85$15
11White, Neville88$15

Flight 2
Pos.PlayerTotal GrossPayout
1Johnson, Roy82$75
2Bibb, Jeff82$60
3Sharp, Jeff85$45
4Owens, Monty87$30
5Wiard, Chad89$15
6Riffe, Thomas89$15
7Phillips, Ken90$15
8Ripy, Chris92$15
9Cloud, Donnie94$15
10Miller, Jason97$15
NSQuire, DannyNS

Flight 3
Pos.PlayerTotal GrossPayout
1Ritchie, Keith81$75
2Redmon, Steve83$60
3Noe, Darryl86$45
4Beirne, Jim87$30
5Young, Marty88$15
6Willard, Willie93$15
7Thurman, Bennie95$15
WDHarrod, MarkWD
NSMann, GeorgeNS
NSGebhart, GaryNS
NSPierce, DerekNS

Flight 4
Pos.PlayerTotal GrossPayout
1Casey, Raymond83$75
2Rodgers, Donnie87$60
3May, Ricky90$45
4Cole, Chris92$30
5Stevens, Bob92$15
6Hughes, Tommy93$15
7Walls, Lanny93$15
8Sudduth, Grant97$15
9Heckleman, William98$15
10Kennedy, Jack B.101$15
WDEvins, EvinWD

Skins - Black/Blue Tees ($17.50 per skin)

Brad Reynolds - Hole 7 & 15

Brian Hiles - Hole 8 & 11

Skins - White/Red Tees ($29.00 per skin)

William Heckleman - Hole 6

Willie Willard - Hole 7

Monty Owens - Hole 8

The 2024 JHGA Cup competition has concluded and the final results are in. The “race” for the Cup came down to our final tournament of the year. With just one point separating first and second place, the title of “Champion Golfer of the Year” goes to….

Jeff Bibb

JHGA would like to give a big shout out to our title sponsor whose generous support helped make the race for the cup possible. Thank you!

Ben’s Affordable Roofing


1Bibb, Jeff$4002720
2Ritchie, Keith$200271-1
3Mitchell, Warren$150263-9
4Reynolds, Brad$100259-13
5Wiard, Chad$50252-20
6Mahoney, David 
7Green, Jason
8Owens, Monty
9Brickner, Mark
10Beirne, Jim
11Hiles, Brian
12Boggs, Ben
13Sudduth, Grant
14Bowman, Timothy 
15Hiser, Paul
15Thurman, Bennie
17Whelan, Mark
18Harrod, Mark
18Smith, Darrell
20Redmon, Steve
20Willard, Willie
22Johnson, Roy
23McNeil, Keith
24Presley, Brandon
24Sharfe, Gary
24Smith, Victor
27Quire, Danny
27Woody, Troy
27Phillips, Ken
30May, Ricky
31Young, Marty
32Casey, Raymond
32White, Neville
32Tippett, Scott
35Hughes, Tommy
36Sharp, Jeff
37Trimble, Doug
38Caudle, Jimmy
39Rodgers, Donnie
40Kinney, Scott
41Whitaker, Troy
42Gebhart, Gary
42Kennedy, Jack B.
44Kennedy, Jack C.
44Whitaker, Jackson
46Miller, Jason
47Bowman, Nathan
48Aydt, Jon
49Heckleman, William
49LaFontaine, Terry
51Marshall, Doug
52Hicks, David
53Baker, Mack
54Cole, Chris
55Dobson, Tom
55Prewitt, Larry
57Woody, Brendon
58Dukes, Larry
58Walls, Lanny
60Kays, Brad
61Ripy, Chris
62Collins, Mike
63Keadle, Mark
64Dawson, Seth
64Whitaker, Kevin
66Nelson, Bradley
67Bolin, Steve
67Hurst, BJ
67Smith, Brandon
70Taylor, Don
71Marlin, Scott
72Cloud, Donnie
72Groves, Rick
72McFayden, Elgie
72Miles, Eric
76Evins, Evin
77Mann, George
77Putty, Michael
79Coleman, Mark
80Smith, Gary
81Mattingly, Brandon
81Noe, Darryl 
83Bell, Evan
83Riffe, Tom
85Rodgers, Donnie II
86Dempsey, Chuck
87Roberts, Jacob
88van der Oort, Jacob
89Thompson, Jim
90Bush, Logan
90Sircy, Robert
90Thompson, Terry
93O'Banion, Billy
93Pierce, Derek
95Hodgkin, John
95Wright, Gregory
95Stevens, Bob
98Webb, Brandon
99Fisher, Kyle
99Wingate, Matt
101Conway, Bryan
101Rice, Doug
103Eversman, Rich
103Bowman, Brad
103Holbert, Gary
103Schultze, Ted
107Tyra, Rick
108MacDonald, Richard
108Dawson, Steve
108Dempsey, Brandon
108Tillett, Bob
108Russell, Tom
113Gebhart, Joel
113Bates, Jack
113Metcalfe, Austin
113Ecton, Scott
113Holbert, Joey
113Caudill, Roger
Default tees are determined by your GHIN handicap index (H.I.):

H.I. of 13.4 and below: Blue tees
H.I. of 13.5 and above: White tees

Exceptions to Default Tees
Club Championship: To compete for the title of Club Champion, you must declare for the Championship Flight when you register. The Championship Flight will play from the Black Tees.

Open Tournaments: In tournaments open to non-members, flights and tee assignments for all entrants will be determined by the handicaps of the players entered.

Members are responsible for knowing their default tee.
The JHGA handicap committee reserves the right to adjust handicap indexes that are not aligned with a player's ability.

Default tees may also be adjusted to provide equity for all players in the field.

March 1 is the official start of the golf season in Kentucky.  That means each round of golf played in accordance with the rules of golf should result in the posting of a score for handicapping purposes.  The easiest way to post your scores is to install the USGA/GHIN mobile app on your computer or smart phone.  It's easy, it's convenient, and it's FREE!

The USGA/GHIN account associated with your name is also tied to your JHGA membership. A large portion of your annual dues go to paying for access to the GHIN system. If you have tried to post a score and found that your GHIN account is inactive or inaccessible, it's probably because you have not paid your JHGA annual dues for 2025.


When you drop your membership application and dues payment in the JHGA drop box, I make every effort to ensure that your information is entered as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours or less. If you have paid your dues and are still experiencing problems posting scores, please let me know at
David Mahoney

Vice President
Warren Mitchell

Ken Phillips

Mark Whelan

  • Juniper Hill Golf Association
  • 800 Louisville Road Frankfort, KY 40601

If you have questions concerning this website or need additional information about JHGA, please contact Warren Mitchell at the email address above. Follow us on Facebook!